We are hurtling toward a glitchy, spammy, scammy, AI-powered internet

It’s the AI and music blog people, come gather round and listen to crazy uncle Dan yell at the clouds! ;)

“Last week, AI insiders were hotly debating an open letter signed by Elon Musk and various industry heavyweights arguing that AI poses an “existential risk” to humanity. They called for labs to introduce a six-month moratorium on developing any technology more powerful than GPT-4.


Let me walk you through how that works. First, an attacker hides a malicious prompt in a message in an email that an AI-powered virtual assistant opens. The attacker’s prompt asks the virtual assistant to send the attacker the victim’s contact list or emails, or to spread the attack to every person in the recipient’s contact list. Unlike the spam and scam emails of today, where people have to be tricked into clicking on links, these new kinds of attacks will be invisible to the human eye and automated.


Tramèr’s team found that it was cheap and easy to “poison” data sets with content they had planted. The compromised data was then scraped into an AI language model.

The more times something appears in a data set, the stronger the association in the AI model becomes. By seeding enough nefarious content throughout the training data, it would be possible to influence the model’s behavior and outputs forever.”