Sharenting and growing up in the Internet Age.

One of the things that tends to come out when hanging out with musicians my age and older is that kids, be it their kids or young people in general, just don’t seem like they “party” like we did. I like to point out that we did not grow up with everyone around you having a camera and not only that, but they can post anything for the entire world to see and it will never be deleted. Can not be deleted. For bonus points, lets also put your name on it, maybe your address and what kind of soap you like. Looks like you were looking up some stuff on google, lets just tuck that away in here as well. Yiiiiiiiiiiikes. I think we have yet to discover a new kind of anxiety about “Internet Permanence”. People who live in constant fear of doing something stupid once and it being frozen for all to see forever.

Anyways, great article on the Atlantic kinda about the same thing. But it’s kids finding all the stuff their parents have posted online about them growing up and they get kinda freaked out.

“But it’s not just overzealous mommy bloggers who construct a child’s online identity; plenty of average parents do the same. There’s even a portmanteau for it: sharenting. Almost a quarter of children begin their digital lives when parents upload their prenatal sonogram scans to the internet, according to a study conducted by the internet-security firm AVG. The study also found that 92 percent of toddlers under the age of 2 already have their own unique digital identity. “Parents now shape their children’s digital identity long before these young people open their first email. The disclosures parents make online are sure to follow their children into adulthood,” declares a report by the University of Florida Levin College of Law. “